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His biographers have written that the number of days he spent in traveling for preaching, was greater than the days he spent at home. He lived there for the rest of his life and was buried there. Due to the hard-to-reach location of Faqirpur, he established another spiritual center named Miskeenpur Shareef in the same district, near Shahar Sultan. He established the first spiritual center (Dargah/Khanqah) named Faqirpur Shareef in 1892 AH in district Muzaffargarh, Punjab. After the death of his Shaikh, he then did second oath of allegiance with the son and successor of Khwaja Usman, Khwaja Sirajuddin Naqshbandi and received Ijazah and Khilafat from him. So he took the oath of allegiance with Sayyad Laal Shah Hamdani, who was a khalifa of Khwaja Usman. He first went to Khwaja Muhammad Usman Damani for Ba'yah, but he was too old to take new followers. He was a Shaikh of Naqshbandi Sufi order. 3.1 Shaykh Pir Qureshi and scholars of Deoband.